miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2013

POST#5 ♥FASHION FOR LIFE 2013♥ FINESMITH, Madrid Solo, *PosESion*

                          " FFL ABRE SUS PUERTAS EL 9 DE MARZO "

Dos diseños de Yula Finesmith, FINESMITH bouquet y FINESMITH Kotar set, cabello de .:EMO.tions:., maquillajes de Madrid Solo, poses *PosESion*.

1.-                                    FINESMITH bouquet Tropic

   S T Y L I N G    C A R D 
Joyas:    FINESMITH bouquet Tropic      FFL    NEWS!!
Base de Cabello: .:EMO-tions:. HAIRbase/curls brown
Pestañas:  -Glam Affair- REGINA - Eyelashes 05
Maquillaje: Tatto Lunares Jaosi by Dimitri Mint,  Madrid Solo- Full Face Design- D'Arcy Lips only y Madrid Solo- Twice Shy-Burnt Orange   FFL    NEWS!! 
*PosESioN* Chic y Gachas  FFL    NEWS!! 

2.-                                   FINESMITH Kotar set
  S T Y L I N G    C A R D 
Joyas:    Tiara FINESMITH DOLA, FINESMITH Kotar set      FFL    NEWS!!
Cabello: .:EMO-tions:. *ESTELLE*/ autumn y HAIRBASE 10 - straight autumn
Pestañas:  -Glam Affair- REGINA - Eyelashes 05
Maquillaje: Tatto Lunares Jaosi by Dimitri Mint, ee. Very berry, Madrid Solo-Full Face Design-Spotted Owl Frecckle Blush Only, Madrid Solo-Full Face Design Spotted Owl Upper Only   FFL    NEWS!! 
*PosESioN* Drama Set  y Spanish            FFL    NEWS!! 

FINESMITH - Jewelry & Accessories - COLOSSUS OF RHODES  
Madrid Solo Cosmetics - Great Pyramid of Giza 
 *PosESioN* - Statue of Zeus at Olympia

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